In this fascinating broadcast, Rabbi Tovia Singer examines the first and most famed Messianic prophecy in the Book of Isaiah. Why doesn’t this epic prophecy appear on any Jews for Jesus tract and is ripped out of context on the UN’s Isaiah Wall?
Rabbi Tovia Singer responds to Christian who insists that Rabbi Singer knows that the author of Hebrews relied on the Septuagint when quoting the Jewish Scriptures. Don’t miss this show.
00:07:27 “The most influential part of the New Testament is the story telling” 00:13:08 SODOM AND GOMORRAH: Are these the same place and were they both destroyed?…and for what reasons? 00:15:40 ISRAEL TOUR: Dead sea information 00:22:02 PROPHECIES FOR TODAY: Are today’s events what was spoken of by the Prophets? 00:30:26 JESUS IN TNK: Who […]