Responding to audience question in the Philippines, Rabbi Tovia Singer illustrates that Scripture regards the belief in the Church doctrine of the Trinity the most abhorrent form of idol worship.
In an eye-opening lecture in the Philippines, Rabbi Tovia Singer illustrates that the core teachings of Paul are opposed by the Torah, and the evangelist from Tarsus deliberately altered an epic passage in the Torah.
Rabbi Tovia Singer answers questions from pastors and students at FEBIAS College of Bible, Manila’s oldest Christian Bible College, on May 7th, 2015: ‘What epic lesson is contained in the opening chapter of Scripture?’
In this gripping presentation, Rabbi Tovia Singer sets forth the foundation of the Jewish faith at Febias College of Bible, one of the most prestigious Christian universities in the Philippines.
How can you be certain of the Torah’s divine origin? In this gripping presentation, Rabbi Tovia Singer sets forth the foundation of the Jewish faith at Febias College of Bible, one of the most prestigious Christian universities in the Philippines.
In an eye-opening lecture at a Manila Messianic Bible class, Rabbi Tovia Singer responds to a pressing question: What is the significance of the peculiar events surrounding the building of the Tower of Babel, and why does this story appear in the same chapter where we are first introduced to Abraham? What exactly did Abraham […]
Watch how Rabbi Tovia Singer responded to a challenge from a Christian audience member as he opened his anticipated Q & A segment in Manila. Don’t miss this powerful film! Part 2 of this presentation will be available in a few days.
Watch how Rabbi Tovia Singer responded to a challenge from a Christian audience member using Daniel 9. This question was presented as opened his anticipated Q & A segment in Manila. Don’t miss this powerful film!