What sparked Pope Francis’ recent declaration that Catholics need not try to convert Jews to Christianity? Responding to a live caller, Rabbi Tovia Singer probes the Vatican’s recent pronouncement discouraging Jewish evangelism and an epic Messianic prophecy in the Book of Zechariah.
After welcoming the Head of the Organization of Rabbis in Australasia, Rabbi Moshe Gutnick from Sydney, Australia, with the congregation in Jakarta, Indonesia, Rabbi Tovia Singer logs into Tenak Talk to answer new questions.
Mary has been venerated by millions since the early church. Why and how did the striking stories about her own life develop within a short time following the birth of Christianity? Moreover, Rabbi Singer responds to the nagging question: Did Isaiah in fact predict that the Messiah would be born to a virgin? How did […]
Christians are surprised to discover their church’s cornerstone creed, “without the shedding of blood there is no atonement,” which famously appears in Hebrews 9:22, is not found anywhere in the Jewish Scriptures. Although the footnote for Hebrews 9:22 in every annotated Christian Bible references Leviticus 17:11 as the source and authority for this doctrine, this […]
How many animals did Jesus ride when he entered Jerusalem during his Triumphal Entry? It seems like there should be an obvious answer. In this intriguing broadcast, Rabbi Tovia Singer explains how Matthew’s lack of understanding of a famed messianic prophecy in the Jewish Scriptures led him to craft a Palm Sunday story that differed […]
Rabbi Tovia Singer responds to a caller’s intriguing question: If the truth of Judaism is so blindingly obvious, why are so few Jews in the world? Can so few be so right? Can so many be so wrong?
Responding to a caller, Rabbi Tovia Singer demonstrates how early Christian apologists and scribes methodically altered selected passages from the Jewish Scriptures. Singer illustrates on air how this rewriting of Tanach was not done haphazardly. Rather, the Church quite deliberately tampered with the words of the Jewish Scriptures in order to bolster their most startling […]
It would be easy to argue that Paul was the most important convert to Christianity. Had Paul not joined the small, inauspicious movement, if he had not engaged in his extensive missionary activity; the fledgling group would have joined the ranks of many other Jewish sectarian movements, and vanished without a trace. Instead, as a […]
The Antichrist is described in a handful of passages in the New Testament as a future messianic pretender who will deceive mankind, battle God, and bring the world to the brink of destruction. Responding to a caller, Rabbi Tovia Singer answers the question: Who is the Antichrist in Judaism?