From a Christian perspective, a person who dies without knowing Jesus will end up in hell. From a Jewish perspective, what happens to those who die in Christianity? A question asked by a student of Eits Chaim Mevaserim Center.
Without shedding of blood, and having committed the greatest sin one can think of, can G-d ever forgive us? When is anybody too lost to be redeemed? Rabbi Singer answers a question of an Indonesian student of Eits Chaim Online Class.
Revelation 7 leaves out the tribe of Dan from the list of the 12 tribes present at the end of time. The Church teaches that it is because Dan is cursed. What does the Tanakh say? Rabbi Tovia Singer answers a question asked by a student of the Indonesian Eits Chaim Tanakh Class.
Is the Torah a curse? Who are the ones that are blind, the Jews or the nations? Discussion starts with understanding the command to wear a tallit, what the Torah mean to the Jewish nation and concluding whether the Torah is a curse.