What Advantage Then Has the Gentile? Rabbi Tovia Singer Explores the Puzzling Status of the Non-Jew
May 24, 2016 2:55 pm
Former Christians who embrace the Jewish faith as righteous gentiles frequently express a nagging sense that they are second class citizens in the spiritual orbit of the Chosen People. Where does this feeling that the lives of B’nai Noach are practically insignificant come from? In this fascinating broadcast, Rabbi Tovia Singer surprises his listeners with his thought-provoking and surprising insights.
Category: Small Bites
What about the Ger Toshav that lived and worshipped among the Jews all the way up to the Second Temple period? Im sure they did not feel this way or believe these things regarding being low or dogs. I know many converted, but many did not. Today, many that embrace Torah and might want to convert are part of families that may accept Sheva Mitzxot, but are not interested in conversion. And there are Jews/rabbis that are not accepting of non-Jews being in their midst . And what about “Captive Souls”; esp in that situation that “can’t ” convert to preserve family (spouse, kids, grandkids).There is much tension in this area. One of my Jewish friends says the Jewish people, as a result of an overall negative history with the nations, has a form of PTSD!! I think it may be so. How can we overcome these deficits on both sides? Thank you, Rabbi Singer!