Israel to be Annihilated because of Misinterpretation of Prophecies

Republican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, faced harsh criticism for touting the endorsement of the evangelical preacher who warned that the Jews will face extermination unless they accept Jesus. As it turns out, Rabbi Tovia Singer explains, there is nothing unique about supporter, Pastor Mike Bickle’s declaration that two–thirds of the Jews face imminent annihilation unless they convert to Christianity. These ideas are widely promulgated by Premillennial Dispensationalists who staunchly support Israel and back a worldwide effort to bring the Jews to know Jesus. In this eye-opening broadcast, Rabbi Tovia Singer explains that Evangelical Christians espouse erroneous beliefs about Israel becasue of their deeply flawed understanding of epic Messianic prophecies.

About The Author
- Rabbi Tovia Singer is well known as the Founder and Director of Outreach Judaism, an international organization dedicated to countering the efforts of fundamentalist Christian groups and cults who specifically target Jews for conversion. As a world renowned public speaker, Rabbi Singer addresses more than 100 audiences a year. Through his stimulating and provocative appearances, Rabbi Singer has been an inspiration to thousands. Lecturing on college campuses and synagogues throughout the country has become an integral part of his work. He is the author of the book Let’s Get Biblical: Why Doesn’t Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?”, and is a frequent guest on Television and radio shows.


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    Vanita Warren

    Rabbi Tovia,
    Thank you for the battle you continue to fight for Israel! I am what you would call “Messianic” but not at all like Pastor Bickle. I am what you would understand as Two-House Israel. I know this makes many people frown; but I believe with all my heart that the Ten Tribes are still among the “Nations” and I believe I am one of them. I do believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, but I also believe that He died for “All Israel.” That includes the House of Judah (you guys) and the House of Israel (those of us who realize who we are in Messiah); and the “companions” of both, as Ezekiel prophesied about the “Two-Sticks.” I’m not “dispensational.” That is one of the greatest errors of Christianity. But it gained prominence partly because of Christianity’s desire to reconcile the ongoing presence of Israel since 1948. If you start with an erroneous foundation of dispensationalism, then you need the Rapture, and all the associated theological doctrine that we are taught in seminary. But it’s wrong! Anyway! I’m with you 100 percent. I don’t think Christians need to convert Jews, because in my view they are already covered (“saved”) by Yeshua’s blood. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He would never abandon His people. Israel. If I were Jewish, I wouldn’t believe in the Christian Messiah either. They have stripped Yeshua of His true identity as Israel’s Messiah. If Yeshua is truly Israel’s Messiah (and I believe He is); Christians are really going to be surprised when their traditional theology falls apart upon His return. We’ll just have to wait and see! Much love and blessings to you and all you do! Love Vanita (Abigail) (

    Vanita Warren

    One last note! No one is saved just because they call themselves a “Christian.” And, no one is saved just because they call themselves a “Jew.” It is a person’s personal relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that, as Christians put it, “saves” them; whether they are “Jewish” or “Christian.” That’s another theological argument, especially from a Christian perspective; but it’s an argument I’m ready to take on with Scripture as my foundation.