Caller: If Jesus Was Not the Messiah, Who Then Was He? Rabbi Tovia Singer Responds
March 29, 2016 10:01 am
A caller struggles with the question in her head: If Jesus was not the Messiah, then who was he? Is it possible at all that he really rose from the dead? How did Christianity grow so much and turn the world upside down?
Category: Small Bites
I hate to point it out but the question seems to stay not answered. Nothing of those things that are mentioned in the article before the video are discussed.
File Jesus under myths and legends.
While Rabbi singer makes a lot of sense, he still manages to evade answering the question. I think most people would like to know what his opinion is on the subject, if only from a perspective of historical curiosity. As a former Christian, I was fascinated by stories of Hillel and other notable personages of that era.
Poppycock! Many did not even like Jesus, yet still they realized that ONLY Jesus could EVER be the Messiah. You are deluded due to your enormous BIAS against Jesus. The Evidence is overwhelming!!! Read the 7 circles of certainty that ONLY Yeshua could ever be Messiah at >