Rabbi Tovia Singer is well known as the Founder and Director of Outreach Judaism, an international organization dedicated to countering the efforts of fundamentalist Christian groups and cults who specifically target Jews for conversion. As a world renowned public speaker, Rabbi Singer addresses more than 100 audiences a year. Through his stimulating and provocative appearances, Rabbi Singer has been an inspiration to thousands. Lecturing on college campuses and synagogues throughout the country has become an integral part of his work. He is the author of the book Let’s Get Biblical: Why Doesn’t Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?”, and is a frequent guest on Television and radio shows.
00:01:31 A visit from the Chief Rabbi of Australia to Jakarta. 00:04:10 People who give up family and friends to follow the G-d of Israel. 00:07:00 A truly religious Jew must find his beliefs in scripture only. 00:10:25 Was Paul a decoy to keep Christians away from Judaism? Explaining a legend. 00:11:35 Why are Christians […]
LIVE streamed on Jan 3, 2016. Did Paul teach of two DIFFERENT walks? Isn’t that what Marcion taught? That the G-d of the New Testament was a DIFFERENT G-d? Why would Jesus teach contrary to the Law of Moses?
Who was with Abraham before the Angels arrived? Was one of the Angels Jesus? All this and MORE on this Episode of Let’s Get Biblical Q&A with Rabbi TOVIA SINGER!